23 Apr 2024



  Tuesday 23rd 38F/3C [at 8am] Bright but cloudy. No sun yet. Rain later. Maximum of 7C forecast.

  Up at 7am after another awful night. Frequent trips to the fire bucket. Despite having nothing to drink after dinner. Coughing and sneezing fits. The phlegm is so thick and deep I can't fetch it up by coughing. Making my plumbing hurt. The glands in my neck hurt too when I swallow. At least there was no more nose bleeding.

 8.10. First glimpse of the sun. It is only 60F/15.6C in the room. So I'll have to light the stove.




22 Apr 2024

22.04.2024 Snow?


  Monday 22nd 35F/1.7C. It could be brighter if it wasn't so cloudy. A cool, dry day is promised.

 Up at 6am after a dreadful night. Coughing, sneezing and spluttering. Getting up to use the fire bucket every half hour. Woke to discover warm blood flowing down my face. Used a wad of tissue as a nose stopper. Blood tracks are clearly visible on my dark green pillowcase and dark red under sheet.  Spoiler alert: It was the butler! Shame it's not Halloween.

8.45 The sky has darkened and it has started snowing heavily! 

9.00 It is only 60F/15.6C in the room. I had to light the stove.

 The snow petered out over 3/4 of an hour.  I have an appointment for a blood test this morning. To be taken one week prior to my heart scan. I sought advice on the telephone. To be told that my terminal "man cold" was not a problem. That said, I felt I should be taking a mask. If only to protect others from my lethal germs. 

 The only mask I could find has been lying in the open in the kitchen for over two years! So it will be full of bacteria and viruses from all my doubtful attempts at cooking. Best not to try. I'll take some real handkerchiefs to cover my face. I doubt they have been used in well over a decade. Perhaps two. No, they have vanished. I probably gave them away to a charity shop.

 Hopefully the blast radius. When I inevitably explode into a sneezing fit. Will be reduced to the immediate vicinity. Unlike the moron in the dentist's waiting room. Who didn't even cover his face with his hand. As he repeatedly sneezed and coughed extremely loudly!

 The nurse was kind and swapped my handful of paper handkerchiefs for a proper mask. There was no bloodbath from being stabbed in the arm. As I had feared from all the nose bleeds.

 12.15 Shopped on the way home. Now I can eat again. Lots of people staring at the Morris. The kids at the village school wanted me to toot and cheered when I did. The Morris has a funny little horn sound. I feel better for having some fresh air but my chest and nose are still a wet mess.

 17.00 It has been sunny all afternoon. I am trying to squeeze a couple more degrees indoors [66F/19C] from the greenhouse. It didn't work.

 Dinner was fish fingers and chips with tomatoes.




21 Apr 2024

21.04.2024 I hab a bad kowd.


  Sunday 21st 35F/2C. Bright but cloudy. Up at 6.30 after five visits to the fire bucket. I can feel pressure in my head as well as a burning chest. Coughing or sneezing is very painful. My lower back hurts too. Not a happy bunny.

 19.00  I have spent the entire day watching YouTube videos. While trying, poorly, not to cough or sneeze. I have just dragged the recycling bin along to the corner. 

 Now thinking about dinner. There isn't much choice except fish fingers and chips. I have used up all the frozen sliced bread for toast. Just a few crusts. So I don't think I'll bother. Milky coffee and a digestive. And so it was. 

 Bed at 11pm without a deliberate nap today. Though I was dozing off on the computer at times. I don't think this counts as "power napping."

